Electricom Training Center opens up opportunities for job creation

Electricom training center derives its birth from an Electro-mechanical company named Electricom Ltd which core business involves primarily with Supply and retail of construction materials, important business also includes mechanical and electrical installations as well as their operation and Maintenance.

Core programs for skills development

Training programs embraces a wide range of competencies principally connected to Electricom scope of expertise, to this date the Electricom has delivered in full or in partnership, trainings in electrical installations, training of trainers (ToT) in electrical and mechanical equipment, lightning and surge protection, plumbing works, waterproofing technologies as well as green roof installations to name a few.

Job creation through capacity building

To achieve Job creation results, drawing from its experiences, Electricom training center in partnership with the GIZ trains Rwandan youth, male and female in agricultural technologies in order to equip them with practical skills that enables them to be lucratively employed in the agricultural sector, innovate, create jobs and therefore uplift their own self-reliance

Work place learning model

Electricom DNA dictates that learning by practice is the sole efficient way of workplace learning, admitted trainees and their trainers go to great lengths into practicing what they learn, through the process training participants come out with a comprehensive way to instill practical skills into the lives of those that receive the trainings

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